exoplanet: Case Studies


exoplanet: Case Studies#

These pages contain “case studies” for the exoplanet project. Each case study is an example of a real world application of the exoplanet library for analyzing data in astronomy. They are implemented as Jupyter notebooks, and you can download the notebook or launch it using Binder using the menus at the top right of each case study.

For more information about exoplanet, check out the main documentation page at docs.exoplanet.codes.

Tips & tricks

⏰ Note that the runtime for some of these notebooks can be as long as half an hour, but we’ve tried to keep the studies as self-contained and reproducible as possible. This computation is generally dominated by the sampling step so if you want to get a rough sense of the expected runtime for a particular case study, scroll down to take a look at the progress bar generated by the call to the sample function.

🐛 If you run into bugs when executing these case studies (or variations on them) on your own computer, open an issue on the exoplanet GitHub repo.

💡 If you have a conceptual issue or a particularly tricky or interesting fit, start a discussion on GitHub so that we can all learn together.

Case studies#